“Valley Memorial Baptist Church exists to honor, glorify, and exhalt God in worship and to equip believers through expository teaching so that they may effectively engage the community and evangelize the lost."
WORSHIPMore than just attending and following a structured church service, God wants a relationship with us. It is through our Sunday Worship Services where we can focus solely on that relationship. Whether you’re new to the faith, searching for answers, or have been a Christ follower for a long time, our services are a safe place to learn more about what it means to know God and grow closer to Him.
EQUIPGod wants to know us personally. One of the ways God designed for us to know Him personally is through His Word. The Bible is a living breathing book where God meets us and speaks into our life. Another way is through Life Groups. As believers, we weren't created to do life alone, but for relationships and a need to do life with others. Connecting with others through Valley Memorial Small Groups is a practical and enjoyable way to find that kind of life-changing community.
ENGAGEWhat is God's ultimate plan for our life? To make a difference in the lives of others and to share the Good News of the Gospel. When we do, the Bible tells us we will experience joy. At Valley Memorial, we seek to engage and serve our community through Missions work. It is our hope to connect every church member with an opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission by utilizing their gifts and talents to serve others in the church, the community and the world.