"Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe." - (1 Timothy 4:12)
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRYYoung adult ministry is one of the more difficult and perplexing ministries in all of the church. The confusion begins with one asking themselves such things as "what age do I need to be in order to be considered a young adult" or "does the church really need me involved at this time?" Well, the answer to those questions are a lot easier than you think. Our goal is to reach the young adults in the Chattanooga and surrounding areas in an effort to help them realize the purpose God has called them to.
First, our Young Adult Ministry is for anyone College aged up to 30 years of age. We encourage our young adults to mentor one another, worship, grow, and serve together so that the church will become stronger in the future. That statement actually answers the second question of "does the church really need me?" We view our Yound Adult Ministry as the future leaders of our church. Such ministry is a stepping stone for these young people to plug in to the church and to learn or use their God given spiritual gifts. This ministry also allows these young people to connect with those younger than them and to make disciples of the next generation of young adults. If this sounds like something that interests you and you want to know or grow your spiritual gift(s) that God has given you then please come and join us! |